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World Of Warcraft Next Patch 8.2 Is Arriving Until June 25

The next major update known as Patch 8.2 about World of Warcraft is announced to arrive until June 25, next Tuesday by Blizzard. Which is named as Rise of Azshara from a trailer containing two new zones(the water-logged Nazjatar and the scrap-filled Mechagon), a new raid, a massive dungeon, an overhaul of the Azerite system even more.

The trailer introduced massive reworks in order to make grinding for better gear a much more enjoyable process, accompanied with the new contents mentioned above.

During the two distinct zones of Nazjatar and Mechagon, there are full of quests which could push the main storyline forward, besides the Rise of Azshara also increased flying for those who complete a long series of achievement, new equipment and armor such as stuff to help your mounts walk on water and Heroic-difficulty Warfronts along with two new Island Expeditions.

From Warfronts to the Azerite system to the overarching lore, players had lot of problems about core issues which can be addressed in the new content patch.

The new update is only a couple of months away until World of Warcraft Classic's release date of August 24. Before that, we players can experience the Battle for Azeroth in WoW as it was before the launch of any of its expansions.

Be sure to check the launch of Rise of Azshara on June 25.

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