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New World: What Are The Marks Of Fortune?

New World does not provide a payment subscription service, so developers are looking for ways to encourage players to buy New World Items. The premium currency in New World is Marks of Fortune, which you can buy in the in-game store. If you have already obtained exclusive rewards on Amazon Prime, then you may have already obtained some Marks of Fortune, and you can use them when you need them.

You can find all Marks of Fortune bound to your account by clicking the "Esc" key on the keyboard. A larger UI menu will open at the top, then click on the "store" tab. There are various cosmetics you can buy in the store, but they will not affect the gameplay, they just modify the appearance of the character. In the top right, you will see the number of Marks of Fortune you own.

You can add more Marks of Fortune to your account by clicking "Plus". You will see all the options to choose from, you need to spend real-world currency to get them. Once again, these are not necessary to improve or affect the game experience. You cannot use the Marks of Fortune in any other way. They are only available at New World Cosmetics Store.

If you don’t care about the appearance, players don’t seem to spend too much time in this area, but all New World players need New World Coins, because this can improve your gaming experience as much as possible. Now MMOAH has provided cheap New World Coins, which solves certain problems for most players because cheap prices will help you save a lot of money. In addition, MMOAH can guarantee fast delivery, no matter when you come to MMOAH to buy New World Coins, you will receive any items or Coins you purchased within a short time after the order is successfully placed.

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