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Fallout 76 Season 4 Is Coming And The Next Update Will Revamp The Gameplay

The new season of Fallout 76 is about to be released. Not only is this a new season, but Bethesda will also release the next major update of the game - Fallout 76: Locked and Locked. Now, you can experience the game for the next season because Bethesda has been activated the Season 4 private server.

New loadouts

There will be a new addition in Locked and Load - a Punch card Machine, which allows you to change your S.P.E.C.I.A.L Loadout every time and save it to a slot. In Punch card machines, each character has two S.P.E.C.I.A.L. loadout slots. In Fallout 76, the train station is a very important place, so it is great to have there.

Note that you can use these S.P.E.C.I.A.L. loadout units only when you upgrade to level 25.

New game modes

A new model - Decryption, will appear. In this mode, you need to disable the three radio signals on the map. There are 3 enemies in the game - Code Carriers. You need to kill them to turn off the radio signal.

New locations

Three new locations will appear:  West Tek Research Center

                                                      Watoga Civic Center

                                                      Vault 96

C.A.M.P. Slots

Currently, there are only two slots, one is saved and the other is already built. You can only control one C.A.M.P at a time, so you need to switch back and forth between the two camps frequently.

New rewards

Some legendary rewards may appear, such as Covert Scout Armor and the legendary tier weapons. There will also be new rewards in The Hunter for the Treasure hunter event. As long as you get a new update, go directly to the event and complete events to get rewards.

In addition to the above content, the update will also bring other new content, one of which is the ability to craft sliders. If you have the materials you need, you can make ammunition for your weapons and more. This seems to be very useful.

This update will be released on April 27th, so fans of Fallout 76 should not be bored anymore, and you can prepare for its arrival from now on.

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If you come to MMOAH to buy Fallout 76 Bottle Caps with code "F76", you will get 6% off. So taking advantage of the discount period, it is worth hoarding some of the items you need.

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