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How To Fully Explore Fort Of Reprimand In Elden Ring DLC? - Complete Guide

To the east of Castle Ensis in Scadu Altus in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree, there is a very small dungeon that you may miss if you don’t look carefully. It mainly adopts a linear level design, which may be easier to explore, but it also hides many overlooked secrets and is worth your careful exploration.

In addition to the interesting storyline, you can also find some valuable items in this fort, such as talisman, Ash of War, a quest items, etc. If you stumbled upon this dungeon during Shadow of the Erdtree, or you wanted to see it while exploring Scadu Altus in full after completing the entire DLC, you can follow the steps in this guide to explore it.

How To Fully Explore Fort Of Reprimand In Elden Ring DLC? - Complete Guide

How To Get To Fort Of Reprimand?

There are currently two ways to enter Fort of Reprimand recognized by players. One of them is also the easiest to clear Castle Ensis and defeat Rellana Twin Moon Knight. After you leave Castle Ensis, you will reach Scadu Altus and Highroad Cross Site of Grace.

Starting from Highroad Cross Site of Grace, keep walking north until you see a fork in the road leading southeast. At this time, you can follow this path until you reach the end of the road, and then you will find South Site of Grace on Moorth Highway, and Fort of Reprimand is not far away.

Here I need to remind you that on the way to Fort of Reprimand, don’t forget to activate Moorth Ruins Site of Grace, which will become very important in your subsequent exploration.


Starting from South Site of Grace on Moorth Highway, you just stand, and head southeast, you can enter the focus of this guide - Fort of Reprimand. The first thing that comes into view is a courtyard, and there is an Omenkiller patrolling.

If you are at a lower level, you may consider not attacking him, because he will not drop any important Elden Ring Items. However, you can find some Smithing Stones, throwing daggers, crafting materials, and low-level upgrade items in this courtyard. You can spend some time looking for them.

There is an underground drop in the northeast of the courtyard. When you return to this location, it means that your exploration of the courtyard is over, and you will enter the next step after the animation.


After the animation, head southeast from the courtyard to enter the basement of Fort of Reprimand. Once in the basement, continue east through the corridor, then turn northeast and enter a torture room with an underground drop on the right. Don’t step into it at this time, because you haven’t explored the basement yet.

There will be some enemies in the torture room that you can easily defeat and a treasure chest containing a medium-level smithing stone. After you pick up these, you can leave the torture room. At this time, you will find yourself in the northeast of the basement, and you will encounter three ordinary soldiers who are not a threat to you.

After you defeat them, jump over the cage in the southeast and follow the linear path, where you will eventually find a treasure chest containing Flamedrake Talisman +3. Your exploration of this basement is complete, and you can return to the underground drop location to start exploring the next location.

First Floor

After you exit the basement through the northeastern archway, you will see a staircase leading to the first floor. Go up. When you reach the end of the staircase, which is the first floor, turn northwest and you will see the Fort of Reprimand Site of Grace. Go up and activate it, and you can continue to explore the fort.

After activating it, go southeast from Site of Grace along the wall to find a restaurant, where you will encounter the enemy Black Knight Edredd who rewards you with an Ash of War named Aspect Of The Crucible Wings.

After you complete the battle, you need to find a ladder in the restaurant that can lead to the roof of the fort. After climbing to the roof, continue to climb to a tower to your southwest, where you will find a treasure chest containing Battlefield Priest’s Cookbook 2.

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After receiving the reward, don’t rush down yet. You can see another roof in the northeast of the fort from the tower. At this time, you need to use the tricky parkour jump to get to that location. If you’re not using it well, you can also reach the spirit spring south of Fort of Reprimand first and use it to help you teleport to that location.

While both ways of getting to this rooftop are a bit tricky, it’s worth it as it rewards you with a Smithing Stone 8. If you use the tricky parkour jump to reach the northeast rooftop, you can take a shortcut: head to the wall outside the restaurant, where there are stairs leading down to the basement.

But here, instead of taking the stairs, turn southeast and carefully jump to the stone railing, then climb the ladder to the northeast to get the treasure chest. After you’re done, jump down and return to the back of Fort of Reprimand Site of Grace.

If you use the spirit spring to reach the treasure chest, you must travel southeast from the front of Castle Front Site of Grace, across the ravine, until you find Sealed Spirit Spring.

You can activate Spirit Spring by finding the corresponding stone pile or simply using Margott or Mohg’s Shakle. Riding up this Spirit Spring will take you to the northeast rooftop of Fort of Reprimand and Site of Grace behind Fort of Reprimand.

Underground Section

In addition to the section just explored, Fort of Reprimand also includes an underground section, but it is smaller in scale than the basement and first floor. You can enter this Underground Section by dropping into a hole in the north side of the courtyard.

The entire Underground Section has a linear design, but there is an Omenkiller around the corner that may catch you off guard. In this section, you will find 80,000 Elden Ring Runes, some crafting items, and Iris of Occultation quest item. As you exit Underground Section, you will also reach the edge of a cliff, where you can pick up Messmer Soldier Ashes near the tombstone.

Finally, you can find Abductor Virgin Wheel and Swinging Sickle just outside the east wall of Fort of Condemnation. Defeating them will reward you with some Elden Ring Runes.

After you defeat Abductor Virgins, head to the south end of the fort to grab Blessing of Marika consumable. It is important to remind you that this item cannot be reused. Using it can fully restore your health and cure all diseases, so be sure to save it for some necessary time.

The above is the complete exploration guide for Fort of Reprimand. I hope you can easily explore this interesting place according to the steps of this guide!

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