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Ways To Gather Up In-Game Currency Of Fallout 76

Bottle Caps are the main in-game currency of Fallout, which can be used to buy advanced equipment and items, and you can buy some from MMOAH. In addition, there are some other ways to earn Fallout 76 Bottle Caps, but you may spend more hours on it.

In the wasteland of West Virginia, you need to make the effort to survive like in real life, the food, potion even equipment for relaxing must be exchanged with Caps, if so, wealth should be your priority.

Complete Daily Quests
Sell to Vendors
Trade with Others

In almost all games, it is set different levels of challenges, and the players can get some rewards through completing those, so does Fallout 76.

No matter who is a novice or an experienced player, no one can get rid of the daily quests, because it is the main source of Caps, you can get rewarded with some Caps whenever you successfully complete some quests. And when your level is high enough, the challenges you encounter will be more difficult, and if you can deal with them, you will get more Caps.

Gathering up resources and completing quests can happen at the same time, but remember that the items you find must be a little valuable, such as weapons and armor, and then sell them to vendors, it's best not to sell all the resources in case you need them.

In Fallout 76, you can build a micro-store and then invite your friends to join in, as the owner, you have to open your inventory and show them to others. When more and more participants joining, the success rate of your trade is also higher. After finishing, your pack will definitely have a lot more Caps. But beware of the monsters, they are likely to cause great damage to your items.

Avoid using some deceptive tricks to get Caps, otherwise you will be detected and punished by the server's monitoring. When you have been in Fallout 76 for a few hours, you will find it easier to get them. It is all okay to continue what you are doing right now.

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