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Using Sextants on Your Atlas in Path of Exile

Jan 19 ,2018

Source: Mmoah

In our last two Path of Exile articles we pointed out the Atlas on the whole, approaches to shape it. In this article we mention the most confusing – and potentially most  important – the main Atlas: Sextants.

Sextants are a completely optional portion of the game, each one you make use of is extremely valuable. This means you need to ensure you’re utilizing them correctly.

Sextants are, by many people’s opinions, a noob trap. Sextants will be the key to making by far the most money and a lot experience in the experience, far outclassing whatever else. When you  hear that, you could possibly go out and put Sextants on your own Atlas, attempt a few maps, certainly not notice a difference, and waste a lot of cash in the process. So, here’s helpful information on how  to not do this.
What are Sextants?

Sextants are issues you find in maps. There are three tiers of Sextants, denoted by colors, which coincide with all the colors of maps. White (apprentice) will be the lowest tier, then  yellow (journeyman), then red (master). Once you have found one, technology-not only by opening your Atlas, opening your inventory, right clicking the Sextant, then hitting the  map you would like to apply it to.

The Sextant will add a modifier which is to be applied to either the map you use it on, or any maps inside radius on the Sextant (which arrive quite clearly once you  hover the Sextant more than a map). This means you can put multiple Sextants for the same map through the use of the maps around it. Sextants wear off after three uses, and may need to  be reapplied afterwards for first time modifiers.

As implied with the color, white Sextants works extremely well on white maps, yellow Sextants works extremely well on yellow maps, and red Sextants can be employed on red maps. Sextants will also be  used on maps of your lower tier, so a red Sextant, as an example, can be placed on any map. If you’re playing a league that enables trading, you typically won’t wish to use a  higher tier Sextant, since they will be worth now more. Just sell the more expensive tier Sextants and acquire lower tier ones make use of, should you be so inclined.

When people focus on using Sextants while farming, they generally mean that they're using four to seven Sextants for every single set of three maps. This can be extremely expensive,  and is simply worth it for anyone who is running very profitable maps.
The Concept of Sextant Blocking

The reason why Sextants certainly are a “noob trap” extends back the concept of Sextant blocking. Plain and simple, Sextants have a very lot of bad mods: mods you’d never need to put on  your maps, and mods that happen to be basically a waste in the money you invested in the Sextants. So you, being a Sextant user, desire to mitigate how often you can get these bad  Sextants. Luckily, there’s a method to do this. Unfortunately, it’s confusing and expensive.

Sextant blocking is after you put Sextants on nearby maps, instead of the map you’re gonna run. The maps you placed the bad mods on will be the ones just unattainable, and won’t  customize the map that suits you. The reason for it is simple: a roadmap cannot have two copies from the same mod upon it.

Imagine a sequence of maps as three numbers repeatedly: one, two, and three (visualized below). One could be the map you would like to run. Two is one on the maps which might be close enough to  put a Sextant on, that will in turn hit map one. Which leaves three just outside of range. Three is just too big far away from for its mods to change the map, however it is close enough  to affect two.

Because a roadmap cannot have two with the same mods onto it, you may put Sextants on map three unless you get one you don’t like. Then you get forced out there. Since it’s affecting two,  two cannot roll that bad mod anymore, and furthermore, as you’re not actually running a guide inside the range from the bad mod, it stays there forever. You don’t must reapply it.

The Hard Part

It gets confusing because two isn’t really the only map troubled by three. The fact that two maps cannot have a similar mod will not be exclusive to two and three’s relationship. Because  three puts that bad mod onto two, one also cannot roll that bad mod. If one and three had exactly the same bad mod, then two can have two cases of it, which isn't allowed.  Therefore, blocking off three is doubly efficient.

If you’re really on your ball, you’ve seen that this means the blocking doesn’t visit three.

Say you include a fourth map. One could be the map you intend to run. Two may be the set of maps that you add Sextants onto, so as to affect one. Three would be the map that you add bad rolls  onto, in order that one and a couple cannot have those bad rolls. Four would be the map you placed even more bad rolls onto, making sure that two cannot have the identical bad rolls. You layer the not so good rolls to  prevent as much bad options as you possibly can.

If you place this all up – also it can be extremely expensive – your Sextants will roll better results a lot more consistently. An initial startup cost helps save hundreds of  thousands of chaos eventually.

In this league, the top map running Sextants on could be the Vault. You can block off a large number of bad rolls, have six Sextants hit it from nearby maps, and find a good  profit. It’s what I have my Atlas setup to perform, as seen below. If you’re interested in fast experience, Shaped Channel Sextant blocking is the one other option that has been  popular within this league. The map doesn’t have expensive cards that drop, nevertheless the Sextants you utilize are all white, therefore, the cost is lower. It’s and a much easier map if  you’re planning to safely gain experience.

The biggest takeaway here is to try and do your research prior to jump into using Sextants. Here’s an excellent site that can show you tips on how to Sextant block any map. Without Sextant  blocking, using Sextants isn't profitable. Don’t get sucked into the focus on how great Sextants are and go along with them willy-nilly. Have a plan, and understand  that once you’ve done similar to this, the fee to improve it is huge, so be prepared to leave your Atlas in this way for months at any given time.

If these products doesn’t sound fun to you personally, at the end with the day, just sell the damn things. They aren’t worth the trouble should you aren’t serious about min-maxing your profit.

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