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Updates On Path Of Exile New Synthesis League: Reasonably Satisfying Yet With Some Room For Improvents

It's been 3 days after Path of Exile: Synthesis league first released on PC on March 8th, also, less than 12 hours before the same content goes live on Xbox One. Some of the gamers who didn't really catch up on the major update and still hope to get involved must wonder if the new Synthesis league is worth playing or not. Here are some facts we 've collected and clarified for sure that might help with that situation.

So far, Synthesis league made impressive progress on players' engagement and likability. Based on the Steam Chart and official statistics, the peak player concurrency of the game was 176,700 in last three days, which remarkably set the second largest record in this game's history.

"It was an inspiring record indeed, " a veteran Path of Exile player named Todd told to our reporter, "however, given that the number one position was made by its last instalment - Betrayal league, and the present league still looks weaker in number. It is, to some extent, a degeneration."

He kind of hit the nail on the head. Back to the release of Betrayal league, it was loaded with glitches and bugs so that developers had to work on some hotfixes and deployed them in batches as soon as possible to avoid the impact on players' retainer. Even so, this league has created the best records and grades in so many categories that any of others in history couldn't prevail against. Although lesson learned from the last one and Path of Exile developers made Synthesis league even much closer to bug-free zone, this league, by contrast, pale in comparison with the Betrayal.

We even don't have to mention the rants and raves in the official forums and other social media platform regarding Synthesis league. Even developers acknowledged and implied that there is a big room for improvement on Synthesis and the feedback and comments from the game community inspired most of it.

We'd hope to see a better version of Synthesis league soon if possible. People need perfection is the same as leveling up in the game acquires more POE Currencies. After all, no one wants to be saddled with depressing a game community with millions of diehard fans in it.

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