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Some Amzaing Moments Playes Had In Champions Online: Prepare To Be Stunned

Jul 24 ,2018

Source: Mmoah

Many of our players must have run into some special moments in your gaming time. However, there are only a few them were recorded and photographed as a memorial moment for the game. Today, let’s share some amazing moments that some of our player had in their experiences. Hold your ease, and let’s roll:

Anyone knows whose that is? I heard it's some guy with purple gang holo disguise. But apparently, he has a gaint body with a three-year-old IQ.


VIPER is falling donwn under a serious attack by Avenger... Uh, looks like he is doing some difficult yoga moves. But truth to be told, he was already dead, even though the lower part of his body didn't confirm that...

A gang of prisoners is no match for the Frost Dude!!! This is the certain moment we'd like to call as "The Peakedness of your entire life"...

As a matter of fact, I almost puked out once I saw this... The twisted waist really freaked me out. What do you think? You wanna go dance with this guy?

This is the most filthy image I've ever seen, yet so funny... can't beliver a dude really go smell a monster's crotch. And I was more concerned about what he gonna do when the werewolf gets a erection...

I was gonna say something about this image, but turns out I couldn't. I guess you live with a free will, dude...

You ever bent your knees to someone else like that? In or out of the game ? Or got this worship from others? 

I did...

This is a such wierd and freaking smile you may have ever get when altering your character mood into "pleasant " in the game...

The Bear got so coy when a guy attacked his crotch???

Turns out this dude used a Party Bomb instead of a healing item. And this is what he got when he used the bomb towards the bear. Feeling sorry for the big chunk for the next 3 seconds, and hahaha in the next 30 minutes...

That is definitely her/his moment of all the time... Lifting a car insteading of riding inside seems very intriguing, you ever done this before?

Is it a hybrid? Or a traffic jam caused? 

Hand Slider turned the normal bow into an amazing size... I wonder, my friend, who can survive from this arrow attack(if it has the matched effect with its appeared size)?

A Raptor Pileup and A Roundup at the same time!!! You rock, man...

That is what we have for now. If you are interested in this new topic and new post today, we gonna provide more in the future. Please keep an eye on the upcoming posts. It won't fail you!

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