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Path of Exile 3.10 Delirium Starter Atlas Changes and Maps Build Guide

Path of Exile 3.10 Delirium launched on PC last Friday, and the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions would come tomorrow, bringing a new league mechanic called the Mirror of Delirium to spawns tougher enemies than before and the items, passive skill tree, storyline, and POE Currency making changes once mentioned in our preview.

With the release of Delirium, the Atlas Map system has also been greatly adjusted, and the guide for Atlas and map changes is urgent, especially for elementary starters.

The Atlas once made a full rework during POE 3.9: the Conquerors of the Atlas, as it contains dozens of maps, for every POE season, it will be adjusted to a certain degree.

In Delirium, the maps from Tier 1 to Tier 16 have also been changed to complete challenges and earn POE Currency faster. Under the influence of mist created by the Mirror of Delirium, each tier may appear scary dangers and monsters, and each one is different. Surely, once you defeat them, the loot you get will be more valuable than before.

From the Atlas of Worlds released by POE Delirium, it has made a number of improvements from different aspects, shown on the site.

But for the starters, how to get to maps is still a work to learn for POE Build, first of all, they need to know is what build they want to map with.

Knowing what POE build you want to play for Delirium
Learning about what build level you are mapping with
Find the goal and work at it
Level up fast and hit maps to make POE Currency

The above is the basic guide for Atlas changes and POE build mapping, which may not benefit for everyone, but it must make someone learn something through POE maps.

The initial release of a new POE expansion is the hardest time to get POE Currency through farming, along with a lot of unexplored content. As always, it sells various types of POE Items on MMOAH, as well as frequently sued in-game currency with special offers. It's better to go for yourself, it will make your POE league easier.

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