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How To Deal With The Sizeable Dinosaurs With The Land Out Of Time?

Everything is just right, the latest update themed dinosaurs, land out of time has been released on July 8th. Although it has been warming up for a while, there is nothing more exciting than getting an adventure with dinosaurs. In the new area of Anachronia, it is possible to reach your dream of dinosaurs. So take your gear and embark on the new trip with loads and loads dinosaurs when you are ready, be careful, because there is definitely much danger around the dinosaurs.

Becoming an excellent hunter in the land out of time
Anachronia is a mysterious island that dragonkin scientist Kerapac has escaped to, taking with him an elder artefact of tremendous power. You must become an excellent hunter to fight with the dinosaurs for surviving. To get to the Land Out of Time in limited time, either board the boat at the Digsite or talk to Royal Messengers hanging around the lodestones. A century war is going to start for Runescape members.

A total of 9 sizeable and quite grumpy dinosaurs are added during the journey, the hunters who are between level 75 and level 96 are allowed to kill the dinosaurs. Due to the physical disparity between hunters and dinosaurs, the hunters have to collect resources and set treacherous traps for hunting them. Never conflict directly with the dinosaurs, perhaps they will eat someone as dinner.

Of course, once killed the devilish dinosaurs, the hunters can get chunks of experience and quality loot dropping from the dinosaurs as rewards. It allowed to harvest resources used to craft new gear, including level 75 ranged armour, perfect for training invention and the maul after skinning the catches.

Extra 8 brand new Slayers creatures are added
A new task type along with Slayer is possible to give you more freedom than ever before when you are fighting against the dinosaurs. You can choose whatever dragon you want to fight and at a location that may suit you better even a dragon boss.

Beyond the past ones, there are extra eight new Slayer creatures are added spanning level 90-114, which can be farmed by your own to fight.

One of the most worth mentioning is Slayer Masters, Laniakea, who is a brand new one full of dark, twisted and mysterious. She has been living on the island for a long time but rarely fighting. The players with level 90 Slayer and level 120 Combat are able to access her.

Build a Base Camp for yourself
After a fierce war, the most important thing you need to do is relaxing. As a result, it is a good idea to establish a Base Camp and upgrade it. Doing so will offer perks that will not only help you out on the island but also help you across the whole of Gielinor.

During the journey, you might be tired of collecting the resources or Runescape items in game, you need to be well prepared in order to prevent dinosaurs from escaping. You are recommended to add enough Runescape Items even Runescape Gold in case of need.

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