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Grinding Gear Games Announce A Path Of Exile Convention, ExileCon

Mar 18 ,2019

Source: Mmoah

It's a piece of breaking news for players still exploring the new Synthesis league journey or annihilating monsters in order to collect more POE Orbs and items. Symbolically, the game will have reached beyond "an ARPG" after wrapping up its first convention.

ExileCon will follow the regular standards set by previous game-themed conventions with the promise of a celebration "of all things Path of Exile", some of which will be "earth-shaking" announcements and previews. It is probably more free Path of Exile content from the tireless developers but truly "earth-shaking" would be an announcement of a sequel.

Previews and demos for said announcements will also be present apparently along with competitions and talks with Grinding Gear Games developers. The finishing event will be something called ExileCon Party but no info was given on what it might entail.

As we previously noted, the convention will be running for two days and the venue will be the Aotea Centre in Auckland, New Zealand. There will be three tiers of tickets - Regular, VIP and "Ultra VIP", the last of which will include a barbecue with Chris Wilson, Jonathan Rodgers, and Erik Olofsson.

While the VIP and Ultra VIP tickets stood at staggering $500 and $1000, they were already sold out at the time of writing, testifying to the massive popularity Path of Exile developers are enjoying in New Zealand. There were still some 200 or so tickets left for regular access.

Pricey tickets selling like hotcakes and Path of Exile's massive popularity growth may in part be happening because Grinding Gear Games have not asked their fans if they have phones yet. Speaking of the growth, the announcement also entailed some growth info, stating that launches on Xbox One and in China have more than doubled Path of Exile community, with 188,970 concurrent players being the current record.

Path of Exile character running surrounded by zombies and auras

Grinding Gear Games didn't talk about whether further ExileCons would be organized but considering that tickets are mostly gone mere hours after the announcement, it is quite possible we will see another one in 2020 at least.

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