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Final Fantasy XIV Designers Discussed Episode Six

The developer and designers Square Enix released the Episode Six of Final Fantasy XIV, the final part of the Creation of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers' diary series, covering battles and the Trust System from the expansion.

The episode series aims to show the thought process behind the making of the Shadowbringers expansion, consisting of six parts along with various elements titled MMORPG.

From the designers, it mainly featured Masaki Nakagawa who talked about the battle design perspective and keeping things interesting for the players, as well as the designer Tsuyoshi Yokozawa who talked about the Trust System, allowing players to take on main scenario quests with a party allied NPCs.

That is, all episodes of Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers are now available, and their features are respectively:

Episode 1: Telling a Tale by Naoki Yoshida, Banri Oda, Natsuko and Ishikawa
Episode 2: Forging the Fist by Takeo Suzuki, Masato Shida and Arata Takahashi
Episode 3: Shaping the Styles by Ayumi Namae and Yuji Yamazaki
Episode 4: Making the Monsters by Shinya Ichida and Yusuke Mogi
Episode 5: Spawning the Sounds by Masayoshi Soken
Episode 6: Building the Battles by Masaki Nakagawa and Tsuyoshi Yokazawa

With the final part, it introduced the fighting and combat mechanics, mainly the challenge of how not to make fights feel overly repetitive including various raid boss mechanics to keep things fresh.

Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers was released in July 2019 as one of the major updates to provide new hundreds of hours of content to explore, and it is still available for the PlayStation 4 and PC, lasting for longer.

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