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Fallout 76 Wastelanders Improvements- Quest Marked On The Map

The Wastelanders, once was delayed to release for some reason, is scheduled to be released in Q1 2020, this is a free update for Fallout 76 and was originally released sometime in the last months of 2019, and its improvements have been mentioned in the recent announcement, mainly in the quests.

In order to improve the quality of life, Bethesda added various improvements to the quest UI, including the visual markers, which could provide help for players to differentiate between their main quests and others like side or daily missions.

Through the maps, the players could see all the quests clearly, which may even be marked differently to better distinguish players. The quests which have stopped tracking are considered inactive and will show black map markers, this will help you easily differentiate them from your active quests, which would show the yellow markers.

Beyond that, the pop-ups will often display the information about the quests while playing, which can effectively help players record the progress of related quests and prevent missing some important information.

As long as browsing the map and clicking on a quest, it will immediately pop out several options to choose, including:

Toggle Active: Select it to change an inactive quest to active, or vice versa
Make Only this Active: Selecting it will mark all your quests inactive except for the one you've selected
Show in Pip-Boy: This closes the map and opens the currently selected quest in your Pip-Boy's Data tab.

In a word, you can more easily mark the quests as Main, Side, Misc, Event and Daily Quests.

Currently, the public test server of Wastelanders is now underway, and its official version will also be released in a few weeks. By then, it will bring some new characters to Fallout 76, such as human NPCs.

Fallout 76 has not added any NPC in the game before, but it is willing to use new NPCs as an attempt, letting the NPCs implement dialogue with players through holotapes, terminal entries and notes.

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