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Epic's Fortnite Infinity Blade 'Fix' Feels Dangerously Close To Trolling

Fortnite has introduced a new god tier weapon that well, literally makes you a god. The Infinity Blade is a one-location-only sword you can pull out of the ground at Polar Peak, and it turns you into a superpowered death tornado. It is similar to when Thanos arrived in Fortnite, but the big difference is that this is not a separate LTM in the game, but a part of all the standard modes.

The result of this is some crazy games not just for millions of Fortniteplayers, but also in the pro scene where players were forced to adapt to the new insanity of the sword just hours after it had arrived in the game, and the matches were as chaotic and absurd as you might expect, throwing all traditional strategy and practice out the window as soon as someone leaped 60 feet through the air at you with a sword the size of their body.

Players and pros alike have been calling for Epic to remove the sword from competitive, or even to remove it entirely from standard Fortnite modes and to make it its own LTM instead as we had with Thanos. But the only response from Epic about the issue from Epic was buried so far in a downvoted Reddit thread I could barely find it:

“We've fixed an issue that was causing the Infinity Blade to grant +100 HP on elimination in Explorer Pop-Up Cup, rather than +50 HP. Eliminations with the Infinity Blade in the Explorer Pop-Up Cup will now only grant +50 HP.”

That’s correct, Epic’s only comment on all this is saying that they’ve fixed a bug that was granting 100 health on kill instead of 50 health on kill.

I mean, sure, that bug was making the sword even more OP, but it’s like 5% of the problem and doesn’t speak to the core issue, which is the very existence of the sword in the first place. I asked Epic directly about the Infinity Blade issues and they told me they had no comment.

There’s a sneaking suspicion among the community that Epic is doing all this…on purpose. Here’s a statement they gave last season when this kind of issue cropped up:

"It's important to note that we consider Fortnite a dynamic, evolving game that is not restricted by competition. We feel that a player's ability to adapt is a skill set we wish to highlight for an entertaining product."

Even with that said, however, they did remove Cube Monsters from competitive games. The Infinity Blade, however, stayed, despite being even more of a game-changing addition.

Part of me understands the appeal of making even competitive matches totally chaotic and unpredictable, as it’s a way to keep competitive Fortnite feeling fresh, like you never know what you’re going to see when you tune in because of how much the game is constantly changing, and part of being a pro is the ability to adapt to whatever new madness Epic throws your way.

And yet I think there’s a line, and you can go too far. It’s one thing to see players adapt to a new crater on the map where an old zone used to be or to experiment with a newly powerful SMG. It’s another to introduce a weapon like the Infinity Blade which upsets weeks and months of training and negates the skills you would normally need to win. It’s frustrating to get good and building, engagements, zoning, all that stuff, and then just have games come down to…a guy blowing through structures with a buster sword and whirlwinding around for a dozen plus kills.

Epic almost feels like they’re trolling with their non-response to the clear Infinity Blade issues. Perhaps the “feedback” will grow so loud they’ll be forced to react and make some changes, but they haven’t yet, and their responses so far have been ill-received. Stay tuned for more updates on this situation.

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