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Desperate Times the adventure continuing RS- Guides& Rewards

On May 13, Runescape has announced about a storm or called threaten was on the horizon on Twitter, A new quest “Desperate Times”- the next step in an epic storyline that will change the appearance of Gielinor of Runescape which featuring Seren the Goddess of the Elves, and continuing the Elder Gods quest series following on from the player's encounter with Jas during Sliske's Endgame.

Just as said in the trailer of RuneScape, the rest of the universe will be destroying until finished there is nothing but darkness, the only chance to avoid this fate is working together for dealing with the Elder Gods threat.

The Elder Gods laid their eggs in the heart of the planet and regarded all life on Gielinor as food, in order to prevent them and show that life is worthwhile, you'll be invited to talk with Seren in her council on the first floor, but it may be impossible to expect condition more smoothly.

After preparation through choosing one, negotiating a location, task force and collecting seed from the assorted council members, you may still fail for three combination, which means that plans of Seren must be abandoned and Kerapac has prepared.

Next you need to do are fining the Elder Artefacts which are able to prevent the Elder Gods from waking up instead of a permanent sleep, continuing visiting the Needle and close 5 temporal instabilities by clicking them, which can be found near the Needle, in the front of the nearby farmhouse, and the first floor of the farmhouse.

Continue, solve some puzzles as soon as possible you can by the first key, the second and the third found at different corners, at the last step, talk with Gods who could help you and send some green mutable animations collected to Kerapac, Now, quest finished.

More rewards are in your pack after completing the quest including 3 quest points, Charos' clue carrier, a master clue scroll, a huge XP lamp, 2 treasure hunter keys and 2 hearts of ice.

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