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Bethesda Announced Fallout 76 Season One Release Date And Rewards

Earlier, we have mentioned that Fallout 76 will start Seasons progression system, allowing players to experience storylines and battle passes among different seasons, summer, fall and winter.

At present, Season 1 for Fallout 76 has been confirmed, titled The Legendary Run, where the players could reach 100 ranks through a mix of daily and weekly challenges in the next few months to receive rewards including perk cards, consumables, and more than 40 cosmetic items in Fallout 76.

Simply put, players can get S.C.O.R.E by completing daily and weekly challenges, which is not difficult and will count towards their Season 1 Rank, like scrapping junk to get a certain resource, or crafting ammo at a workbench. Besides, there are additional ways to earn SCORE like earning XP and completing public events.

Every 10 ranks, players could receive a few special bonuses like new weapon skins and power armor sets to Fallout 76.

Season 1 would come with Update 20 on June 30, and will run through mid-September. Also, each season will last around 10 weeks with not the same themes, rewards and challenges.

There are 100 ranks in Season 1, and each rank comes with its own reward. On the new Legendary Run option in the Main Menu, you can keep track of your progress and change the order in which each rank appears through using Atoms.

Apart from consumables, cosmetics, C.A.M.P items, and the stellar Captain Cosmos Power Armor, Season 1 will also provide the following rewards for ranking up including:

Lunchboxes, giving a +25% XP bonus to you and all nearby players as well as a random social buff.

Ammo Converter, unlocked at Rank 5, allowing to exchange your unwanted ammo for those you need.

Vault-Tec Supply Packages, helping give your scrap collection a little boost.

Fireworks, setting off anywhere in the world and light up the sky.

Soon, Fallout 1 Season 1 will come on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Fallout 76 Bottle Caps will allow you to reach Rank 100 of Season 1 and reap rich rewards within 10 weeks.

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