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4 Skill Moves Can Help You Attack Like A Pro With Ease In EA FC 24

There are some skill moves that you need to master if you want to play as pro players in EA FC 24. Skill moves stand as one of the most effective methods to outmaneuver defenders in FC 24. However, many players struggle to discern which skill moves are optimal for each situation. Let’s delve into the essential tips of skill moves you need to master.

4 Skill Moves Can Help You Attack Like A Pro With Ease In EA FC 24

Before practice these skill moves, you can boost your players performance by investing some EA FC 24 Coins.

Stepover Straight

First off, we have the Stepover Straight. That is only possible by knowing the exit direction of each skill move. Stepover Straight’s exit direction is always in front of us. It is always straight like this because it is called a Stepover Straight. So we go from 3 to 12 in an anticlockwise direction while pointing the left stick straight in front of our player.

So whenever if there have space in front of you, you can use the Stepover Straight because this game is all about finding space and exploiting it. If there is space, I will do the Stepover Straight because it will always exit in front of my player. That is the basic thing you need to keep in mind - the exit direction.

Flair Nutmeg

Then, I want to talk about the Flair Nutmeg. It is best used on the Wings. It is one of the best skill moves to use on the wings. Once again, it is the exit direction. If I want to exit towards the right quickly while I’m facing straight and I want to bait my opponent if he’s a good opponent, I would do a Flair Nutmeg pass.

EA FC 24 Flair Nutmeg

When you do a Flair Nutmeg and you cancel it with the pass, you opponant may think that you might go straight, but then you pass. It is all about having that element of surprise. But like I said, the first thing is knowing the exit direction of the skill move, combined with knowing where the space is, actually takes your game to the next level.

Ball Roll

Next, let’s talk about the Ball Roll. It shifts the ball from left to right, right to left, and it is great for creating space and angles. The best thing about the Ball Roll is that we use it to create angles. You should always pass the ball in the direction that you are facing.

We need to remember the exit direction. If we go right, it will exit towards the right side. If we go left, it will exit towards the left. So whenever we have space either left or right, depending on the space, we will perform the Ball Roll.

The Ball Roll allows me to change direction quickly without compromising on passing accuracy. Remember that you always have to pass the ball in the direction you are facing, and the Ball Roll allows us to do that.

EA FC 24 Ball Roll

Reverse Elastico

The last skill move I want to talk about is the Reverse Elastico. When we are inside the box, we have to determine if the space is towards the right or left. If the space is towards the inside, you can perform a Reverse Elastico. The Reverse Elastico will always exit towards the inside of the player. It will go like this towards the inside.

If you wanted to exploit the space on the outside of your player, you can do an Elastico because an Elastico simply exits towards the outside, whereas a Reverse Elastico exits towards the inside of the player.

Final Thought

Skill moves are simple, but we make it overcomplicated by thinking they are very hard. These skill moves are all you need. If it is confusing, just pay attention. By knowing the exit directions of each skill move, we are able to perform them in-game fluently. Once you take this guide seriously and apply these concepts in EA FC 24, you will take your attack to the next level.

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