On April 2, Naoki Yoshida appeared on the Japanese variety show Shikujiri-Sensei: Ore Mitai ni Naruna!! and reviewed the detours and challenges he and his team took in the early days of Final Fantasy XIV's release.
After the failure of Final Fantasy XIV, which was released in September 2010, the new team led by Naoki Yoshida continued to trial and error to produce and release its 2.0 version, which finally received numerous acclaim. Final Fantasy XIV has become the most profitable game in the Final Fantasy series to date. But I have to admit that Final Fantasy XIV did have many problems in the early stage of its release. For example, when it was first launched, there was nothing to do in the game, and the heavy load of the game made it take 15 seconds to open a door, etc. That gets negative reviews from players around the world.
Naoki Yoshida also shared the challenges faced during the making of the game. The producers of Final Fantasy XIV at the time wanted to perfect the look and feel of the game, devoting a lot of hardware resources to rendering landscapes such as flower pots, which resulted in only 30 of those players being seen on any given team. Afterward, he realized that such a setup was not worth it and that the real needs of players should be prioritized.
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