Buy Last Epoch Monolith Corruption Boost to increased level of Corruption and get valuable items. Monolith Corruption levels determine the difficulty and the richness of the loot you can obtain, making it a crucial aspect of your endgame strategy.
However, increasing Corruption by defeating the Shade of Orobyss is a formidable challenge, requiring skill and an in-depth understanding of the game mechanics. Purchase Last Epoch Monolith Corruption Carry service, and our expert team will skillfully navigate the Monolith of Fate, defeat the Shade of Orobyss, and increase your Corruption level, ensuring you reap the benefits without the grind.
What you will get
- Increased level of Corruption the Monolight timeline;
- Shade of Orobyss Boss Kill;
- Chance to get Unique and Set items;
- Chance to get Exalted items;
- Glyphs, Shards, and Idols obtained during the Monolith Corruption boost;
- Retain all Gold, Materials, and Resources gathered during the service.
Challenges options
- Hardcore — a punishing difficulty mode with permadeath as its defining feature;
- Character Found — you can't join the group or receive items from other players, but you can access items and resources found by other characters in your account;
- Masochist — you and your minions take more damage and deal less damage.
How it works
- Our support agent will contact you within 10-15 minutes after your order to clarify details and answer questions via live-chat or email;
- For SelfPlay — you will join a booster and begin the Last Epoch Monolith Corruption boost service through AFK;
- For Remote Control — our boosters will use user-friendly remote control software, playing for your character directly on your PC.
- For Piloted — booster will take your account and play for your character;
- We will notify you when the Last Epoch Monolith Corruption service is completed, and you can enjoy the result. Also, don't forget to leave reviews about the service on Trustpilot;
- Feel free to tip the booster if you're happy with the service!

Remote Control
Character Found
0-250 Corruption
Fall of the Outcasts